KalimNews: Kalimpong's only news based popular Channel Dainandini celebrated its 2nd Anniversary today. Pannu Lucksom a renowned Audio and Video professional and expert of Kalimpong was the Chief Guest of the Programme. In the presence of an audience representing different NGOs, Political parties, Organisations and the Press fraternity the channel was renamed CHANNEL 7.
Suraj mani Pradhan was the master of the ceremony held in Worship Center near the New Bus Stand at Kalimpong. Munnu Gautam, Ming Liwang, Pravakar Dewan and Jyoti Karki exchanged their views and comments on the News programme of Dainandini.
Pix:1. Board Members of Dainandini 2. Pannu Lucksom, Chief Guest inaugurating News 7 and 3 Lucksom inaugurating the programme.- All Pix: Samten Kabo 11th Foundation Day and National Press Day Observed in Kalimpong - Golay awarded Kaleybung Ratna Puraskar
KalimNews, Kalimpong 16th Nov: Mr. Lalit Golay a renowned film and video actor, comedian, story writer, lyricist and director was honoured with 2nd Kaleybung Ratna Puraskar for his contribution in the field of Film and Video by Kalimpong Press Club. During the closing of the Club’s 10th foundation day and on the occasion of 11th Foundation day and National Press Day Celebration at Ramkrishna Rangamanch Golay was honoured with a silver memento and a citation . Ecotourism and Neora Valley National Park by Sahadeo Giri the Club felicitated the Kumudini Homes and Jubilee High Schools of Kalimpong which celebrated Platinum and Rockvale Academy and Mt. Carmel School celebrated Silver Jubilee this year. Dr.G.C.Subba Director of Medicinal and Other Plantation, Chief Guest of the programme also launched Kalimpong News a blog site of news administered by the Club having the address http://kalimpongonlinenews.blogspot.com.
Wifred Singh was also felicitated for his best caption "Human hive" for the Caption Contest held during the Photography exhibition -Colour of Nature.
Eminent Citizens’ debate on the topic “Indian Gorkhas are facing identity crisis” was also organized on the day. For the motion debators Rajen Bnerjee, Hari Psd Adhikari, Dilip Bhujel and Dinesh Ch Poudel participated while Santosh Adhikari, C.B.Chhetri, Dilip Pradhan and Bal kr. Sharma took part in the debate against the motion. The team for the motion was declared winner while Santosh Adhikari was adjudged the best speaker.
The award was sponsored by the family of late D.D.Rai of Gorubathan and in the programme it was announced that from the next year the award will be sponsored by Capt P.M.Pradhan, Principal of Rockvale Academy in memory of his late father B.B.Pradhan.
It is reminded that last year Mr. Manoj Dahal, Mount Everest Climber, Mr. Bharat Chhetri, National Hockey player and Dr. Mikthuk S. Foning, an eminent Horticulturist were honoured with first ever Kaleybung Ratna Puraskar and Kalimpong Press Club organised a year long programme like Senior Citizens' Quiz competition, Chess Competition, Photography exhibition, Seminar on Human Trafficking in collaboration with I&C dept, 3 day Workshop on Journalism on the occasion of its completion of tenth year of establishment.
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Umesh Tamang
N.R.PRADHAN, Chief Guest inaugurating the Exhibition
KalimNews, Kalimpong, 10 Sept 09: The beauty of Kalimpong and nature was presented by Samten Kabo in Kalimpong today through his photo images. Speaking to an audience at Ramkrishna Rangamanch in Kalimpong Chief Guest Nava Ratna Pradhan principal of SUMI who inaugurated the show Colour of Nature said that Samten’s photography is an example of his hard work and consistency to photography.
The photographic exhibition was inaugurated with a word of prayer by Reverend Mathias Subba who emphasized that God’s beautiful creation is manifested through Samten’s images. Sam Modest a photographer by hobby and a visitor from the states, the Guest of Honour of the occasion said in his message on photography that Samten’s images have the best combination of colour and light. Umesh Tamang conducted the programme while A.K.Rai introduced Samten to the audience and Hira Chhetri higlighted the importance of the Exhibition and Press Club's Yearlong programme in the Three days’ exhibition organized by Kalimpong Press Club started from today till 12th of September.
Samten is an amateur self taught freelancer who is photojournalist of Sunakhari Samachar a Nepali daily with 8 years of experience in this field. He started photography in 2001with Minolta 370X an analog Camera and later withNikon F65, In 2005 he bought SLR Nikon D50 and now using Nikon D40X and Coolpix S10 all digitals
His photos are published in the magazines like “Better Photography”, “Smart Photography” and “Asian Photography”.
In June 2007 his photo “Ecstasy” was selected for 10 best images of the year in Better Photography. In April 2008 Smart Photography (national magazine) featured him in the “Kaleidoscope” section and rewarded him an Epson photo printer.
Even today they use his images for magazine with his prior consent. Photo sites like eyefetch.com has presented him 81Awards through 7Contest Medals and 21Group Contest Medals in the website. His photos are available in the siteswww.fotoflock.com, photogalaxy.com, photcommunity.com and smartphotography.com. Several pictures were sold and booked for sale on the very first day of exhibition.
Kalimnews, Kalimpong, 23 Aug : 27 would be Journalists completed a three days’ workshop organized by Kalimpong Press Club. Certificates were distributed to the participants of the workshop by Alvin Lama, Director of Good Shepherd Institute of Hospitality Management on 23rd August during the closing ceremony of the Workshop in Sub Divisional Library. Several speakers spoke on the success of the programme.
It is recalled that three day long Workshop on Journalism was inaugurated at Sub-Division Library on 20 August. The function was attended by Captain (Retd) Prakash Mani Pradhan, Director, Rockvale Academy as chief guest who congratulated Kalimpong Press Club, the organizer of the workshop for holding the programme and viewed that it was not only the responsibility of the Club to organize such society oriented programmes but also the duties of concerned citizens to act for the cause of the society. He also appealed the youths of the hills to concentrate in specialized fields of report writing and make efforts to expose themselves in the national mainstream journalism. Alvin Lama, Director, Good Shepherd Institute of Hospitality Management also echoed Pradhan’s view and said that the media personnels should guide the society in time of the need. The inauguration session was also addressed by Moti Prashad Sharma, senior journalist and Samsher Ali a prominent social activist.
In the afternoon session Kumar Chhetri, Ex-Professor, Kalimpong College addressed the trainee journalists who had come from all walks of the sub-division. In his session Chhetri gave basic concept of the journalism while Punu Lucksom, Audio-Video Engineer delivered speech on the technical prospects in the media particularly pertaining to photography and videography.
All the thirty participants were imparted with various useful training ranging from the subjects like field journalism, regional journalism, electronic media and web media, legal aspects of the journalism by resource persons including free lancer Hira Chhetri, President of Sikkim Press Association Parasmani Dangal, Photo Journalist from Guwahati Nanda Kirati Dewan and Senior Advocate and Secretary, Kalimpong Bar Association Prabhakar Dewan. Executive Member of Kalimpong Press Club Kalyan Thapa presented the paper on behalf of Web Journalist Barun Roy.
According to Umesh Tamang, Co-ordinator of the Workshop, the last day’s session included field training for which all the participants were divided into different groups of three members each and assigned to undergo practical training for about three hours. On completion of all the sessions the participants were awarded certificates of merit during the closing ceremony, he added. Tamang has expressed thankfulness to all the concerned personalities and organizations of Kalimpong who came forward to extend possible assistance to the Club in organizing the programme.
It may be recalled that Kalimpong Press Club organized the three day long Workshop on Journalism as a part of monthly programmes on its completion of ten years of existence. The club has decided to organize various programmes throughout the year 2009 to commemorate the occasion. It has also organized Quiz of Senior Citizens, Chess Tournament etc. in recent past.
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